Once the worst of the spring rains have passed, Play Me, Tulsa pianos will be placed at their Host Locations. While we are waiting, please take a look at the 2024 Play Me, Tulsa pianos in action. Please stay tuned to Playmetulsa.com for the latest updates on piano placement and Host Locations.

Thank You, Tulsa!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us at Mayfest 2024 and experienced the magic of Play Me Tulsa! Your presence and participation made this event truly unforgettable.

Gratitude to Our Community:
To all who stopped by to admire the beautifully painted pianos and those who made beautiful music on them, thank you! Your enthusiasm and support for the arts are what make events like Play Me Tulsa! possible.

Appreciation for Participating Schools:
A special thank you goes out to the talented students and dedicated art programs who poured their creativity into each piano! Your artistic vision and passion added vibrancy and character to every piano, enriching the cultural tapestry of our community.

Acknowledgment of Partners:
We are deeply grateful to our partners whose generous support made Play Me Tulsa! a reality:

Tulsa Mayfest, for providing a platform to showcase art and music in our city.
Saied Music Company and Saied Music Piano Movers, for their donation of pianos and logistical support.
Anchor Paint, for supplying the materials that brought our pianos to life with color and creativity.

Continuing the Journey:
As Mayfest comes to a close, the journey of Play Me Tulsa! continues. These pianos, now infused with the spirit of our community, will find new homes throughout Tulsa, inviting passersby to create their own melodies and memories.

Thank you, Tulsa, for your unwavering support and passion for the arts. Together, we’ve created something truly special.

Until next time, let the music play on!

Play Me, Tulsa is back for its fifth season! 2024 pianos will debut at Tulsa Mayfest, Friday May 10th. Stay tuned for updates on participating schools and their progress!

Thank you to Tulsa Mayfest, Saied Music Co., Anchor Paint Manufacturing and all the dedicated art teachers and talented students for making Play Me, Tulsa a reality.

We remain dedicated to our Mission statement: We believe that art and music have the transformative power to unite, encourage and inspire. Our goal is to provide a fun and impactful way to foster community engagement in both art and music. From the skilled pianist to the child who has never touched a piano key, we believe that all people in our community will enjoy and benefit from playing Play Me, Tulsa pianos.

We love you, Tulsa!

Introducing Play Me, Tulsa!
To learn more about the Play Me, Tulsa project visit our About page.
To learn how YOU can participate in Play Me, Tulsa, visit our Contact Page.
Play Me, Tulsa 2022
Play Me, Tulsa 2021
Play Me, Tulsa 2019
©Copyright 2024 Saied Music Company. Tulsa, Oklahoma